Lifestyle magazine with azuki and Japanese sweets

Mikangumi announces the launch of the project for developing ” Online School for  Dorayaki” on Kickstarter.

Mikangumi announces the launch of the project for developing ” Online School for  Dorayaki” on Kickstarter.

Press Release

Mikangumi announces the launch of the project for developing ” Online School for  Dorayaki” on Kickstarter.

We will provide online lessons for how to make Dorayaki by yourself so that you can start Dorayaki business.

Kanagawa, Japan — October 29, 2019 — Mikangumi Co.,Ltd (  head office  Kanagawa, Japan. CEO Mika Wada) is pleased to announce the launch of the project for developing “Online School for Dorayaki “on Kickstarter. We set up this crowdfunding project with the aim of making Dorayaki a Japanese sweet that everyone eats around the world, just as Sushi has become a popular Japanese food around the world.

Project page on Kickstarter URL

Mikangumi believes this project will support food professionals in the United States or in the French Republic. After developing “Online school for Dorayaki”, even if food professionals do not comes to Japan, they will be able to learn the techniques of Dorayaki and Japanese confectionery making while doing his own business in their country, and will provide support in English until he can offer sweets to customers as a professional.

The idea for an English online school was inspired by a French food-professional exhibition where many visitors asked Dorayaki artisans to come to our shop.

We would like to convey through Dorayaki that azuki beans, a traditional ingredient in Japan, are not only delicious but also have excellent nutrients for health.

A baker at a bakery that wholesales bread to famous hotels says that the taste of azuki beans is similar to chestnuts, so if he learns the technique of making sweet bean paste and makes not only Dorayaki but also pastry with an azuki paste, he will be appreciated by customers.

After reaching the goal of 500,000 yen at the Kickstarter on December 12, 2019, we will officially open a “Dorayaki Online School” on August 31, 2020.

After 31th August 2020, We plan to open the “Dorayaki Online School” for about 50,000yen.

Now, in our crowdfunding campaign, food professionals can choose a reward to receive teaching materials at a 95% discount for 5000 yen.

Project page on Kickstarter URL

[Mikangumi Co.,Ltd corporate information]

Representative        Mika Wada
Head Quarter Office    Endo 81-A,Fujisawa,Kanagawa,Japan
Established        Jun 2009
Capital Stock        10,000,000 JPY

Web magazine  English ( ),Japanese ( )

Store Produce (,

TEL                 +81 466-87-1323
FAX                 +81 50-3488-5271

Facebook   azukipedia/

Mail            azukipr(at)azuki(dot)tokyo
Contact             Wada

Project PR movie in English.

PR movie in French.


Azuki Editorial TeamChief EditorMika Wada
When I was struggling to strike the balance between raising her children and her work, Azuki rice or Azuki food helped her out to snap out of it and become healthy. Before this experience, she used to work at cosmetic industry and was aware of the importance of food for the beauty. After going through the tough experience, she started to want to contribute to the women’s beauty and make them happier through Azuki and started the business.
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