Proteins serve as energy sources in addition to carbohydrates and lipids, but are not regular energy sources unlike the other two. They are backups when energy runs short. Proteins generate about 4 kilocalories of energy per gram.
In Azuki beans, the protein content, which is about 20 percent, is the second highest after starch. Although it is no match for soybeans which is also known as “the meat from fields”, Azuki beans contain nearly 60 percent of the protein amount in soybeans, and include three times as much proteins as polished rice does.
Written by Jun Kato PhD.
Jun KATO, PhD.
Department of Nutritional Sciences
Faculty of Health and Welfare Science
Nayoro City University
Former Director General
Donan Agricultural Experiment Station
Hokkaido Research Organization
Source from 『小豆の力-日本人の心と体を支えるもの』
Translated by Azusa Yoshida.